Agc glass configurator. © 2025 - AGC Glass Europe.

Agc glass configurator Our window seller partners can also answer your questions. Mar 15, 2024 · Der „Glass Configurator“ von AGC Glass Europe ermöglicht es Architekten und Planern, die licht- und strahlungsphysikalischen Eigenschaften von Verglasungen zu berechnen und attraktive Konfigurationen nach ihren Anforderungen zu erstellen. Energy savings, safety, comfort, price the Home Glass Match tool asks a few simple questions to determine the type of glass best suited to your needs. Low-Carbon Glass delivers the same aesthetics, quality and performance as standard float glass. Desarrolle sus proyectos utilizando otras herramientas AGC inteligentes y explore nuevas funciones Connect to the world of AGC The only source for official up-to-date AGC product information Personalise your project with high quality imagery from AGC’s libraries - real life photos or 3D renders Develop your projects using other smart AGC tools and explore new features Dec 9, 2024 · L’EPD Generator est un ajout important à la suite d’outils disponibles dans le Glass Configurator d’AGC, qui inclut aussi les applications Glass Visualiser, Product Finder, Glass Thickness Calculator et l’outil de calcul acoustique Acoustics Tool. Firma AGC Glass Europe stosuje na całym świecie jednolite narzędzie – Konfigurator szkła (Glass Configurator) do tworzenia kart technicznych i Deklaracji własności użytkowych wyrobów. Bereken met de AGC Glass Configurator de licht-, energie- en warmteprestaties van elke glassamenstelling om het juiste glas voor uw specifieke behoeften te vinden. Its coating has been specially developed to protect the glass surface and drastically slow the ageing process when in contact with water by preventing the development of the whitish deposit on the glass typically seen in showers. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA Berechnungstool mit neuen Funktionen Der „Glass Configurator“ ist eine Online-Anwendung von AGC Glass Europe, die es Glasverarbeitern, Fassaden- und Fensterbauern, Architekten und Planern ermöglicht, licht- und strahlungstechnische Eigenschaften und viele weitere Werte von Verglasungen zu berechnen. As the European branch of AGC, a world leader in flat glass, AGC Glass Europe has over 100 sites throughout Europe and around 15,300 employees. Design and optimize glass projects with AGC's Glass Configurator tool, featuring drag-and-drop components, performance reports, and connectivity to other AGC tools. The AGC Glass Configurator is a pioneering tool. Discover the AGC Car configurator, the application for car manufacturers that allows you to configure the windows of your thermal or electric vehicle according to your needs and objectives. Sep 9, 2020 · Alpharetta, GA. Od tego czasu program EPD jest stopniowo rozbudowywany. AGC Glass produit de nombreux types de verre plat. All rights reserved . Dabei lassen sich sowohl Monoscheiben als auch Doppel- und 3-fach-Isoliergläser sowie Glass Configurator? Una herramienta gratuita para ayudar a los profesionales a obtener lo mejor de la cartera de AGC: crear la solución de vidrio perfecta para su proyecto y descargar fichas técnicas personalizadas. Onze online Glass Configurator heeft een geavanceerde interface die uw leven stukken makkelijker maakt. Diversi prodotti della gamma Imagin Wired sono indicati per applicazioni che richiedono proprietà antifiamma. REQUESTED BY : AGC GLASS EUROPE 4 avenue Jean Monnet 1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE BELGIUM REFERENCE OF THE REQUEST: Validation of “Glass Configurator” CONCERNED MANUFACTURER: AGC GLASS EUROPE 4 avenue Jean Monnet 1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE BELGIUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND IDENTIFICATION : Programme Glass Configurator - See page 2 Glass Configurator. Narzędzie pozwala specyfikować konkretne szyby zespolone i uzyskać w ten sposób dokładne parametry techniczne wyrobu. AGC Besparingsapp. Alla base dell’ecosistema digitale di AGC, il nuovo sito servirà da hub completamente integrato per AGC Glass Europe SA otorga al usuario el derecho de acceso y uso de la Aplicación Glass Configurator de forma gratuita, siempre y cuando el Usuario utilice la Aplicación para su uso personal y los datos utilizados o suministrados por la herramienta no se dupliquen para el uso de terceros, se transmitan a terceros o mediante cualquier Automobile. Protection is provided by a transparent polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer, a plastic material placed between two or more sheets of glass. AGC is leveraging the launch of its brand-new product website to share its passion for glass with its various target audiences, the ultimate aim being to support them as they go about their everyday business. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is an internationally accepted (standards ISO 14040 & ISO 14044) and scientific tool that is used to quantify the environmental performance attributable to the different life stages of our product, including upstream stages such as raw material production and energy supply. AGC is your one-stop regional hub, providing our clients a unique global network of experience and expertise from everything you need to create aesthetically and technically perfect glass solutions: research Thanks to its expertise in glass composition and coating, AGC Glass Europe strives to offer the best architectural response to requirements for light transmission, thermal or acoustic insulation, solar control, security, aesthetics and energy generation. doneComposez votre verre; doneCompilez des rapports détaillés; doneStockez vos configurations Doświadczenie AGC Glass Europe z EPD. Conéctese al mundo de AGC. All rights reserved Niosą ze sobą liczne korzyści, np. Discover the AGC Car configurator, the application for car manufacturers that allows you to configure the windows of your vehicle to reduce CO2 emissions or increase EV mileage. Dec 5, 2024 · AGC’s EPD Generator is a valuable addition to the suite of tools available in the Glass Configurator, which also includes the Glass Visualiser, Product Finder, Glass Thickness Calculator and Acoustics Tool. AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and That's why AGC launches Home Glass Match, an interactive and user-friendly online tool. Créez la composition verrière idéale pour votre application grâce à AGC Glass Configurator. doneCompose your glass; doneCompile detailed reports; doneStore your configurations; 01 Create faster. AGC Glass configurator. Fournisseur de la quasi-totalité des constructeurs automobiles, AGC Glass Europe offre la gamme complète de vitrages (pare-brise, vitres latérales, toits, lunettes arrière), pourvus des dernières prouesses technologiques : formes complexes des pare-brise panoramiques, pare-brise chauffant, affichage tête haute, vitrage à transmission variable,… Sharing our passion for glass with you. Ontdek dit en nog veel meer zelf op www. doneComponi il tuo vetro; doneCompila report dettagliati; doneMemorizza le tue configurazioni Zapojte se do světa AGC. Upravte si svůj projekt pomocí kvalitních obrázků z knihoven AGC - fotografie z reálného světa nebo 3D vizualizace. Although no third-party verification has been carried out yet, this verification is ongoing and will be announced soon. L'AGC Glass Configurator est une plateforme gratuite de calcul entièrement intégrée pour les façades vitrées à hautes performances énergétiques AGC Glass Europe riconosce pienamente la necessità di un approccio armonizzato che sia accettato dall'industria, dal settore pubblico e dalle organizzazioni non governative di tutto il mondo. Vast choice of inspirational content: innovation stories, news, AGC Expert Corner, customer testimonials, tutorials and architectural reference case studies, including extensive image galleries; Regularly updated country-specific news; Direct access to online tools, such as the Glass Configurator, product catalogues and more Glass Configurator. L’obiettivo ultimo è, infatti, quello di ispirare e fornire un supporto alle attività quotidiane a tutti gli utilizzatori del sito. Imagin dispone di due gamme: Imagin Clear ed Imagin Wired con reticolo metallico incorporato per una maggiore sicurezza. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA Based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and markets flat glass for the construction sector (external glazing and interior decoration), the automotive industry and solar power applications. A free tool aimed at supporting professionals to get the best out of the AGC portfolio: create the perfect glass solution for your project and download customised technical datasheets. Gebruik het voor de perfecte glassamenstellingen voor al uw projecten. Register for free to create and share customized glass configurations with AGC's Glass Configurator. yourglass. AGC Glass Europe rozpoczęła działania związane z EPD w 2009 roku, publikując pierwszą deklarację dla swojego podstawowego produktu: szkła float. De nieuwe tool is alleen beschikbaar in onze populaire AGC Glass Configurator. Available on the AGC website, the tool provides architects and fabricators the ability to create their own profile and preferences. Servez-vous en pour créer les compositions verrières qui conviennent à vos projets. AGC Car Configurator for Automotive glass environment footprint calculation Login to access the AGC Yourglass Glass Configurator tool. Поддерживайте связь с миром agc. Ontwerp zelf uw ideale glassamenstelling met de Glass Configurator . klienci mogą wykorzystywać produkty AGC we własnej produkcji i włączać zawarte w deklaracjach informacje środowiskowe do wyliczeń potencjalnego oddziaływania na środowisko ich własnych wyrobów (wyniki EPD mogą włączyć do zakresu 3 lub do własnego EPD). Bekijk tool . en arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_down Siamo lieti di annunciare che il Glass Configurator di AGC è stato aggiornato con una nuovissima funzionalità: il Glass Thickness Calculator. Bereken eenvoudige de fotometrische en energetische waarden van uw glassamenstelling. Thanks to its expertise in glass composition and coating, AGC Glass Europe strives to offer the best architectural response to requirements for light transmission, thermal or acoustic insulation, solar control, security, aesthetics and energy generation. All rights reserved Créez la composition verrière idéale pour votre application grâce à AGC Glass Configurator. com ! AGC Glass Poland Sp. Glass Configurator? Una herramienta gratuita para ayudar a los profesionales a obtener lo mejor de la cartera de AGC: crear la solución de vidrio perfecta para su proyecto y descargar fichas técnicas personalizadas. All rights reserved Jest to bezpłatne narzędzie wspierające specjalistów w jak najlepszym wykorzystaniu oferty AGC. Thanks to the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Generator fully integrated into the Glass Configurator, get your verified EPD for standard glass and Low-Carbon Glass. All rights reserved Homepage | Glass configurator - AGC Yourglass Glass Configurator. Find the glass that suits you with Home Glass AGC coglie l’occasione del lancio del suo nuovissimo sito web per condividere la propria passione per il vetro con diverse tipologie di pubblico. o. È stato riconosciuto l'utilizzo delle EPD come migliore prassi, sostenuto a livello internazionale dall'industria e dalla Commissione UE, dove il © 2025 - AGC Glass Europe. Generator EPD jest jednym z elementów narzędzia Glass Configurator AGC, ułatwiającego i przyspieszającego proces doboru właściwego szklenia. Wat is de Glass Configurator? Een gratis tool om vakspecialisten te ondersteunen om het AGC-assortiment optimaal te benutten: u kunt de perfecte glasoplossing samenstellen voor uw project en op maat gemaakte technische datasheets downloaden. googletagmanager. Het gamma omvat alle autoruiten (voor-, zij- en achterruiten, zonnedaken) voorzien van de nieuwste technologieën. Personaliseer uw project met hoogwaardige afbeeldingen uit de bibliotheken van AGC: echte foto's of 3D-weergaven. The EPDs generated by the tool follow the modelling A free tool aimed at supporting professionals to get the best out of the AGC portfolio: create the perfect glass solution for your project and download customised technical datasheets. Der "Glass Configurator" ist eine Online-Anwendung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die licht- und strahlungstechnischen Energieeigenschaften von Verglasungen zu berechnen. More about AGC About Us Child © 2025 - AGC Glass Europe. Jediný zdroj oficiálních a aktuálních informací o produktech AGC. Laminated glass looks identical to normal glass while providing protection from injuries, falls, break-ins, vandalism and noise. All rights reserved Glass Configurator First-class online platform designed to help you create perfect glass configurations and visualise a product’s appearance. L'AGC Glass Configurator è uno strumento rivoluzionario. Door gebruik te maken van het assortiment coatings van AGC levert Thermobel het hele jaar door een optimaal thermisch comfort in combinatie met een hoog niveau van warmte-isolatie en licht- en visueel comfort. doneStellen Sie Ihr Glas zusammen; doneErzeugen Sie detaillierte Berichte; doneSpeichern Sie Ihre Konfigurationen Jun 8, 2021 · De nieuwe tool is alleen beschikbaar in onze populaire AGC Glass Configurator. Nástroj nabízí možnosti specifikace konkrétního izolačního zasklení a získání tak přesných technických parametrů výrobku. With our Asia headquarters located in Singapore, AGC Glass Asia Pacific is part of the global AGC group. Based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and markets flat glass for the construction sector (external glazing and interior decoration), the automotive industry and solar power applications. Estos prototipos virtuales, realizados por nuestro Glass Visualiser en el Glass Configurator de AGC y el Servicio Coating on Demand, representan todo aquello a lo que dedicamos nuestros esfuerzos: la capacidad de ofrecer a nuestros clientes soluciones únicas y personalizadas. Thermobel is de merknaam van AGC voor isolerende beglazing. Обновленный Glass Configurator - инструмент, разработанный для удовлетворения ваших потребностей Мы ценим время и понимаем значимость его эффективного использования. Verre résistant au feu (Pyrobel), verre isolant (Thermobel) et de nombreuses applications pour les portes, les murs et les façades. oferuje kompleksowe rozwiązania Oferujemy szeroką gamę produktów przeznaczoną praktycznie do każdego projektu budowlanego, bez względu czy jest to system elewacyjny w budynku o przeznaczeniu komercyjnym, czy okna lub szkła dekoracyjne w budynkach mieszkalnych. September 9, 2020 — AGC Glass North America, one of the largest manufacturers of glass and glass-related products in North America, is empowering architects and fabricators to efficiently and effectively bring their vision to life with the launch of the new AGC Configurator. El Glass Configurator de AGC es ahora una plataforma de cálculo totalmente integrada que muestra a los usuarios los beneficios de usar vidrio de alto rendimiento en las fachadas. De enige bron voor officiële en up-to-date AGC-productinformatie. Pozwala ono tworzyć idealne rozwiązania z wykorzystaniem szkła pod kątem projektów i pobierać spersonalizowane karty danych technicznych. Glass Configurator. Sharing our passion for glass with you. AGC’s EPD Generator is a valuable addition to the suite of tools available in the Glass Configurator, which also includes the Glass Visualiser, Product Finder, Glass Thickness Calculator and Acoustics Tool. Luxclear is clear glass with an invisible magnetron coating (on one side) specially designed for shower applications. Dec 5, 2024 · L’EPD Generator est un ajout important à la suite d’outils disponibles dans le Glass Configurator d’AGC, qui inclut aussi les applications Glass Visualiser, Product Finder, Glass Thickness Calculator et l’outil de calcul acoustique Acoustics Tool. Son accès est totalement gratuit et permet d’éditer des fiches de déclaration de performances techniques ainsi que des rendus visuels des verres. Il nuovo Glass Configurator, progettato da esperti per le tue esigenze Poiché il nostro team è sempre molto impegnato, dobbiamo utilizzare al meglio il nostro tempo e questo strumento ci permette di fare proprio questo, anche nei progetti più importanti May 6, 2021 · AGC coglie l’occasione del lancio del suo nuovissimo sito web per condividere la propria passione per il vetro con diverse tipologie di pubblico. AGC Glass Europe presenta una nueva versión de su popular Glass Configurator | AGC Glass Europe Glass Configurator. Wij verstrekken zowel Europese als NFRC-normen. Panoramische voorruiten met een complexe vorm, verwarmde voorruiten, head-up displays en variabele lichtdoorlaat zijn slechts een greep uit het aanbod. Jun 8, 2021 · Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que l’AGC Glass Configurator vient de s’enrichir d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité : le module de calcul d’épaisseur du verre Glass Thickness Calculator. Varying thicknesses of glass and configurations (number of PVB interlayers) determine the level of safety or acoustic AGC Glass Europe SA accepts to grant the user the right of access to and usage of the Application “Glass Configurator” free of charge, provided that the User uses the Application for his or her own use only, that the data used and/or provided by the tool will not be duplicated for the use of any third party, transmitted to any third party The Glass Configurator – an online application developed by AGC Glass Europe – is a powerful tool that glass processors, facade and window manufacturers, architects and designers can use to calculate light, energy and safety properties. Notre outil en ligne Glass Configurator est doté d’une interface conviviale très facile à utiliser. Vylepšujte své projekty pomocí dalších chytrých nástrojů AGC a prozkoumejte nové funkce Stap binnen in de wereld van AGC. Sindsdien is het EPD-programma gestaag uitgebreid. © 2025 - AGC Glass Europe. Il s'agit d'un outil gratuit conçu pour aider les professionnels à tirer pleinement parti du portefeuille AGC : il permet de créer la solution idéale pour votre projet et de télécharger des fiches techniques personnalisées. com/ns. U kunt ook belangrijke parameters, bijvoorbeeld geluidwerende eigenschappen, veiligheid, beveiliging, gewicht en dikte, opgeven. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA Jun 8, 2021 · Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que l’AGC Glass Configurator vient de s’enrichir d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité : le module de calcul d’épaisseur du verre Glass Thickness Calculator. Features; EPD; Sign in; Get started for free; en please update your bookmark with the following URL : https://www. en arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_down A robust, user-friendly online tool, the AGC Configurator allows design professionals to select, review and specify the optimal glass solution for their projects based on the customized specifications they create. AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and © 2025 - AGC Glass Europe. AGC Glass Europe levert aan zowat alle grote autoconstructeurs. The tool allows you to find the ideal product by performance, download performance reports, save and search projects, use predefined templates, and more. AGC Glass Europe erkent ten volle de noodzaak van een dergelijke geharmoniseerde aanpak, die wordt aanvaard door de industrie, de publieke sector en niet-gouvernementele organisaties over de hele wereld. AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and <iframe src="https://www. html?id=GTM-528DPDM" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> AGC Flat Glass Italia, de Italiaanse tak van AGC Glass Europe, is opnieuw betrokken bij een stadsvernieuwingsproject in Milaan: het levert glas… One Central Square De geïntegreerde dienstverlening – van verkoop tot installatie – waarvoor AGC, Glass Express (Midlands) en Abbey Glass de krachten bundelden,… May 29, 2018 · AGC Glass Configurator – nouvelle fonctionnalité ! Le Glass Configurator vous propose maintenant les coefficients Ug pour plusieurs angles – les données à votre disposition ne sont donc plus limitées à celles d'un vitrage vertical. All rights reserved Oct 12, 2020 · De AGC Glass Configurator is nu een volledig geïntegreerd berekeningsplatform dat gebruikers de voordelen van het gebruik van hoogpresterend glas in gevels laat zien. Das Tool bietet ein verbessertes Handling für die Berechnung von Einzel-, Doppel- oder Dreifachverglasungen, auch als Verbundsicherheitsglas. Personalice su proyecto con imágenes de alta calidad procedentes de las bibliotecas de AGC - fotografías reales o renderizados 3D. More about AGC About Us Child Glass Configurator. Le Glass Configurator d’AGC (configurateur de verre) est une plateforme digitale de calcul des propriétés des vitrages selon leur composition. Единственный источник официальной актуальной информации о продуктах agc AGC Glass Europe SA accepts to grant the user the right of access to and usage of the Application “Glass Configurator” free of charge, provided that the User uses the Application for his or her own use only, that the data used and/or provided by the tool will not be duplicated for the use of any third party, transmitted to any third party L'AGC Glass Configurator est un outil innovant et révolutionnaire. Avanzata piattaforma online progettata per aiutarti a creare la perfetta configurazione di prodotti. agc-yourglass. Analisi strutturale approfondita Questo avanzato strumento di calcolo è un risolutore lineare appositamente sviluppato per eseguire analisi strutturali su vetri per facciate, coperture e divisori Dec 9, 2024 · Der EPD-Generator von AGC stellt eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu den bereits im Glass Configurator enthaltenen Tools wie dem Glass Visualiser, Product Finder, Glass Thickness Calculator und dem Acoustics Tool dar. AGC Belgium - Fabrication En in de befaamde Glass Configurator kunnen glasspecialisten de licht- en energieprestaties berekenen voor elk type glassamenstelling: enkele, dubbele, driedubbele of gelaagde beglazing. Ontwikkel uw projecten met behulp van de andere smarttools van AGC en ontdek de nieuwe functies. ¡Eche un vistazo a nuestra nueva calculadora para conocer el espesor del vidrio! | AGC Yourglass <iframe src="https://www. Het eerste uit een lange reeks wapenfeiten van AGC Glass Europe op het gebied van EPD's vond plaats in 2009, met de publicatie van de eerste EPD voor het belangrijkste primaire product: floatglas. z o. Společnost AGC Glass Europe využívá po celém světě jednotný nástroj Konfigurátor skla (Glass Configurator) k vytváření technických listů a Prohlášení o vlastnostech výrobků. html?id=GTM-528DPDM" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> AGC Glass Europe, a leading player in the glass industry, has launched its Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Generator, a powerful tool designed to facilitate sustainable decision-making in the construction industry. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA Homepage | Glass configurator - AGC Yourglass AGC Glass Configurator is a tool to design and optimize your glass projects with AGC products. en arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_down Der AGC Glass Configurator ist ein wegweisendes Tool. La única fuente de información sobre productos AGC oficial y actualizada. en arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_down AGC Glass Europe SA accepte d'octroyer gratuitement à l'utilisateur un droit d'accès et d'utilisation de l'application « Glass Configurator », pour autant que ce dernier l'utilise pour son propre usage, que les données utilisées et/ou fournies par l'outil ne soient pas copiées pour être utilisées par un tiers, qu'elles ne soient pas As the European branch of AGC, a world leader in flat glass, AGC Glass Europe has over 100 sites throughout Europe and around 15,300 employees. com Sharing our passion for glass with you. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA AGC Glass Europe en het EPD-programma. Pagina iniziale | Glass configurator - AGC Yourglass AGC Glass Europe, a leading player in the glass industry, has launched its Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Generator, a powerful tool designed to facilitate sustainable decision-making in the construction industry. Snel, eenvoudig en leuk Het controleren van de weerstand van beglazing was nog nooit zo eenvoudig, waarin spanning en doorbuiging in slechts enkele minuten worden berekend. Configure glass properties and generate performance reports with AGC Yourglass online tool. Glass Configurator is certified by INISMA Generowane przez narządzie EPD odzwierciedlają zasady modelowania, wskazane w europejskich normach EN 15804+A2 i EN 17074. You can drag and drop components, save and reuse your configurations, access performance reports, and connect to other AGC tools. The EPDs generated by the tool follow the modelling Nos complace anunciar que el configurador de vidrio AGC Glass Configurator ha sido actualizado con una nueva función: Glass Thickness Calculator, una herramienta que calcula el espesor del vidrio. . hsbm qszprw vwsmik baks jfqoi qgic xofzbj pmu vnijq njld zbjj ybqdob qelj tiew fkhttfh